MFT has made a name for itself as a manufacturer of multifunctional fitness equipment that revolutionises classic exercises like the push-up. MFT discs combine functional training and strength and coordination exercises, challenging athletes of all fitness levels with unprecedented dynamics. Whether balance training, targeted back exercises, or health training with children: MFT discs allow for an all-round effective total-body workout. You can work out anywhere with MFT: at home, at work, or in the fitness studio, on holiday, and on business trips. At Sport-Tiedje's online shop, you will find MFT training equipment for all workout goals – for more fun in exercising and a whole new body awareness.
Træning med fitnessredskaber og tilbehør har direkte indflydelse på dit helbred og velvære. Derfor burde du ved købet lægge vægt på redskabernes kvalitet. Produkterne fra MFT Balance og koordination sortimentet giver dig sikkerhed og kvalitet til effektiv hjemmetræning.